Excel > Functions
In this section, we shall learn about different functions and their use in MS Excel.
Read posts under Excel > Functions
23 posts found
- Count, CountIf, CountIfs
- Count blank and non blank cells
- Count Logical and Bit values
- Sum, SumIf, SumIfs functions
- Sumproduct, SumsQ functions
- If, And, Or functions
- Date and Time functions
- Join, Left, Mid, Right, Find, Substitute functions
- Count words
- Upper/Lower/Proper case
- Compare strings
- Separate string
- Text to columns
- Find vs Search function
- VLookup, HLookup functions
- Max & Min value
- Calculate monthly installment of a loan
- What if I had invested calculation
- Compound interest calculations
- Depreciation calculations
- Statistical functions
- Random numbers
- Ranking in Excel