In the previous article, we learnt about Count, CountIf, and CountIfs function in MS Excel. In this article, we shall learn COUNTBLANK and COUNTA function that is used to count blank and non blank cells within given range.
We have already learnt other way of counting blank cells in MS Excel in the previous article using CountIf() function.
MS Excel also provides a dedicated function called COUNTBLANK to count the blank cells in the given range.
In G22 cell below, we have written '=COUNTBLANK(G4:G19)' that will count blank cells from G4 to G19 cells.
The result is 6.
We have already learnt other way of counting non blank cells in MS Excel in the previous article using CountIf() function.
MS Excel also provides a dedicated function called COUNTA to count non blank cells withing a given range.
In H22 cell, I have written '=COUNTA(G4:G19)' that counts all non blank cell from G4 to G19 cell and gives the result.
The result is 10.
Do remember that if the cell is having a blank space (space bar key), Excel counts that as non blank cell.
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