Excel > Functions

VLookup, HLookup functions in Excel

How to work with VLOOKUP & HLOOKUP functions in Excel?

In previous post, we learnt the difference between Find and Search in Excel. In this post, we shall learn about VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions in Excel.

VLOOKUP function

VLOOKUP (Vertical lookup) function is used to look for a value in the main table and return corresponding value from the lookup table.

In this example, we want to write the 'Emp Type Name' in C column based on B column value from the Lookup table from E2 to F6.

The formula in C2 is '=VLOOKUP(B2,$E$3:$F$6,2,FALSE)' that executes in following way

  • 1st parameter - lookup value
  • 2nd parameter - lookup table range (notice that the range is in absolute reference)
  • 3rd parameter - column index to use to write the value
  • 4th parameter - approximate match (TRUE) or exact match (FALSE)
Notice that EmpTypeId = 1 is 'Manager' in the Lookup table so the VLOOKUP function returns 'Manager' in C2 cell.

VLookup function in Excel

When we copy the same formula to other C cells, we get above result.

HLOOKUP function

This is almost same as VLOOKUP except the fact that the Lookup table values are horizontally arranged.

In C11 cell, we have '=HLOOKUP(B11,$F$10:$I$11, 2,FALSE)' formula that does following

  • 1st parameter - lookup value
  • 2nd parameter - lookup table range (notice that the range is in absolute reference)
  • 3rd parameter - row index to use to write the value
  • 4th parameter - approximate match (TRUE) or exact match (FALSE)

The EmpTypeId (B11) is 1 so the Lookup table EmpTypeId = 1 is 'Manager of CEO' so we have this in the C11 cell.

HLookup function in Excel

When we copy the same formula to other C cells, we get above result.

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