In previous post, we learnt about VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP function in Excel. In this post, we shall learn about MAX, MIN, MATCH and ADDRESS function of Excel.
MAX function in Excel is used to return the larget value in the set of values. It ignores the textual or logical values.
In C2 cell, the formula is '=MAX(B2:B6)' that gets the maximum values between B2 to B6 by ignoring any textual and logical values.
The result is below.
MIN function in Excel is used to return the smallest value in the set of values. It ignores the textual or logical values.
In D2 cell, the formula is '=MIN(B2:B6)' that gets the minimum values between B2 to B6 by ignoring any textual and logical values and the result is below.
To get the relative position of the maximum value withing given range, we can use MATCH function.
In below example, C4 cell contains '=MATCH(MAX(B2:B6), B2:B6,0 )' formula that does following
To get the cell reference of the maximum value within the given range, we can use ADDRESS function.
In C6 cell, we have '=ADDRESS(MATCH(MAX(B2:B6), B2:B6,0 ),2)' formula that does following