Excel > Charts

Error Bar to Chart in Excel

How to add error bar to chart in MS Excel?

In previous post we learnt about Easy Pareto chart in Excel. In this post, we shall learn about adding Error bars to the Chart in MS Excel.

Let's take example of the previous post Pareto chart as shown below.

Pareto chart in Excel

To add Error bar, select the Chart by clicking on it and then right click that will show 'DESIGN' menu on the ribbon. Click on 'Add Chart Element' dropdown on the ribbon as shown below and then click on 'Errors Bars' that will show different types of Error Bar to show.

Add error bar to chart in Excel

Select any one of them depending on your choice (In this case, we have selected Percentage) and your chart would be added with that type of Error bar on it. Look at the final chart below.

Pareto chart with error bar in Excel

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