jQuery > Events

jQuery > Events

In this section we are going to learn the Events in jQuery.

jQuery events methods are used to specify the behavior of the html element when user interacts with the web page contents. All events are directly related with the user interaction with the browser and its content.

Few examples of events are

  • mouse click
  • mouse move
  • on key up
  • on select


Read posts under jQuery > Events

30 posts found
  1. Blur event
  2. Change event
  3. Click event
  4. Double click event
  5. Attach & detach event
  6. Attach & detach multiple events
  7. Error event
  8. Get mouse position
  9. Stop default behavior
  10. Find target
  11. Focus event
  12. Focus out event
  13. Hover event
  14. Keydown Event
  15. Keypress event
  16. Keyup event
  17. Load event
  18. Mouse down event
  19. Mouse enter event
  20. Mouse leave event
  21. Mouse move event
  22. Mouse up event
  23. Resize event
  24. Scroll event
  25. Select text / Attach select event
  26. Catch Submit event
  27. Toggle event
  28. Trigger event
  29. Unload event
  30. Custom event

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