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JAM topics on importance of Women in our Society in Misc.

Just a minute (JAM) session topics on importance of women in our society

Importance of Women in our Society

  • Womens are an important element of our society, in every one's life women play a major role. 
  • Womens are participating actively in all walks of life, so the present society has started recognizing the individual identity of women.
  • In some countries womens are consider as the goddess of the society from the ancient, this is absolutely true, because without women world is not there.
  • Women plays variety of significant roles like, child, student, wife, mother, engineer, doctor, scientist, actress, etc... from their birth to till the end of life. 
  • Among all the roles, mother is an very important role in women's life, words are not enough to describe the mother role in women's life.
  • The great poet described about the mother role in women life with his great words "Even god must be born from the mother's womb", yes it is true. 
  • A part from this womens are actively parcticipating all the activites, we can find women employes in all the government and private sectors, women leaders in politics, women as a pilots, etc..
  • To increase & to encourage women participents in society many goverments of different countries introduced diffrent type of schemes for the women.    
  • However at the present situation womens are not treated as goddess in many countries, they are being ill-treated for many years and many things.
  • In some areas people are not allowing girl child on this earth (Killing in womb). This is due to believe in superstitions.
  • Considering women as godess in our society is not enough, we need to give full empoweremnt in the society.
  • Empowerment is like encouraging them in all the activities by allowing them to participate, by giving equal priority with the men, etc..
  • So, please encourage the womens in all the parts of the society by giving equal respect along with the men and also allow them to particpate in all the events actively.
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