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JAM topics on Facebook in Misc.

Just a minute (JAM) session topics on Facebook

Advantages and disadvantages of Facebook


  • Facebook is an one of the social networking services which is expanded vastly through out the world with in less span of time.

  • Facebook website was officially and originally launched by Mark Zuckerberg along with his college (Harvard college, located in Cambridge, United States) room mates and fellow students.

  • Before the official release of Facebook at the initial stage the founders had limited the facebook membership (Profile) to only their collge students, later expanded to the colleges in nearer areas.

  • After reciveing a great support from various college and universities students Facebook founders allowed high-school students (at least 13 years) to register their profile in the website.

  • Finally facebook got great positive response from all the people around the world, with this response they started their own company by recruiting the employes all over the world. Now facebook is in 2nd rank in the World Wide Web and the head quarters of facebook in Menlo Park, California (United States).

  • Eventhough the facebook is popular and received a great response from all the people through out the world, it has many disadvantages along with the advantages.

  • To know more about Facebook, click here.

Advantages of facebook

  1. Facebook is absolutely free and the people who are having more than 13 years age can register in facebook and access their profile.

  2. It is the best medium for the communciation, we can send messeges, video calling, uploading photos and videos, pudating status all these are available at free of cost.

  3. It connects the different people from any where in the world.

  4. Facebook became the most convinent tool for finding the old friends, it provides the chat facility with your friends.

  5. Facebook provides Facebook application in mobiles, that means what ever we can do in website, we can do from mobile application.

  6. It helps a lot for the promotion purposes by sharing the company profiles, poltical party profiles,....etc.

  7. These are the main advantages of facebook, click here to know more .

Disadvantages of facebook

  1. The first and the biggest disadvantage of facebook is that it addctive or anyone can become addictive easily. Once we get connected with facebook friends we can relize that how much time we are wasting/spending on facebook, by cchating, seeing the other pictures, videos, commenting & liking the pictures of others,etc....

  2. Most of the hackers have the similar websites to Facebook, those hackers continuously send eMails or notifications to the people and asking them to login or register on the particular website to see more and more.

  3. Facebook ruins the professional life in very rare cases like if some one applaying for a job by mentioning the fake details in their CV's, often employs search for applicant's networking website's profile page to know more about the applicant details, the chances of getting job reduced if they found any fake information in our  profile page with the statuse's, pictures, videos...etc.

  4. Even though facebook ranks 2nd in the world wide web it is vulnareable to attacks, many hackers actively hacking the peoples profile information.

  5. These are the main disadvantages of facebook, click here to know more.


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