JavaScript > String Methods

LocaleCompare() String in JavaScript

How to compare two strings in the current locale in JavaScript?

Locale Compare

Local Compare is a string method {localCompare() method} in JavaScript, which is used to compare two strings in the cureent locale. The parameter for the localCompare() method is the 'String', nothing but a string to be compared with string 'String' object. 
  • Returns "-1" if string A is sorted before string B.
  • Returns "0" if string A and string B are equal.
  • Returns "1" if string A is sorted after string B.

In JavaScript, by using localeCompare() method we can compare two strings in current locale. This method returns the number which indicates the string comes before or after or equal as the comparing in sort order.

If string 'a' is sorted before string 'b'.

    <p>Click the below button for comparing the two strings.</p>
    <input type="button" value="Compare" onclick="Function()" />
    <p id="myId"></p>

        function Function() {
            var a = "A B C D E F";
            var b = "E F G H I J";
            var r = a.localeCompare(b)
            document.getElementById("myId").innerHTML = r;

In the above code snippet we have given Id as "myId" to the second <p> element, there are two strings with variable a & b in the <script> code, we are comparing the two strings with the string method localeCompare(). Onclick of the button "Compare" in the HTML code fires the Function() in the <script> code at the same time string method localeCompare() compares the two strings and gives the result. The result will be "-1", because the string 'a' is sorted before the string 'b'.


If string 'a' and string 'b' are equal.

    <p>Click the below button for comparing the two strings.</p>
    <input type="button" value="Compare" onclick="Function()" />
    <p id="myId"></p>

        function Function() {
            var a = "A B C D E F";
            var b = "A B C D E F";
            var r = a.localeCompare(b)
            document.getElementById("myId").innerHTML = r;

Two strings are equal

In the above code snippet we have given Id as "myId" to the second <p> element, there are two strings with variable a & b in the <script> code, we are comparing the two strings with the string method localeCompare(). Onclick of the button "Compare" in the HTML code fires the Function() in the <script> code at the same time string method localeCompare() compares the two strings and gives the result. The result will be "0", because the string 'a' and the string 'b' are equal.


If string 'a' is sorted after string 'b'.

    <p>Click the below button for comparing the two strings.</p>
    <input type="button" value="Compare" onclick="Function()" />
    <p id="myId"></p>

        function Function() {
            var a = "G H I J K L";
            var b = "A B C D E F";
            var r = a.localeCompare(b)
            document.getElementById("myId").innerHTML = r;

String 'a' sorted after string 'b'

In the above code snippet we have given Id as "myId" to the second <p> element, there are two strings with variable a & b in the <script> code, we are comparing the two strings with the string method localeCompare(). Onclick of the button "Compare" in the HTML code fires the Function() in the <script> code at the same time string method localeCompare() compares the two strings and gives the result. The result will be "1", because the string 'a' is sorted after the string 'b'.


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