The lastIndexOf()
is an method in strings, which is used to search and return the position from the last occurrence of a specified value in a string.
NOTE: If the search is not found in a string, this method returns "-1" as output.
In JavaScript, by using lastIndexOf()
method we can search for a character or a value in a string. The lastIndexOf()
method searches from the last occurence (Right to Left) of a specified value in a string.
EXAMPLE: Searching for "TechFunda" in astring and returning the position from the last occurrence.
<p>Click the below button for searching the character of a string</p> <input type="button" value="Search" onclick="Function()" /> <p id="myId"></p> <script> function Function() { var a = "Visit TechFunda, learn in TechFunda."; var r = a.lastIndexOf("TechFunda"); document.getElementById("myId").innerHTML = r; } </script>
In the above code snippet we have given ID
as "myId" to the second <p>
element, we have given the string to the variable "a" in the <script>
code. In that string ("Visit TechFunda, learn in TechFunda.") we are searching for the value "TechFunda". For that we used string method lastIndexOf("TechFunda")
. Onclick of the button "Search" in HTML code fires the Function() in the <script>
code at the same time lastIndexOf()
method search for the value "TechFunda" from the last occurence (Right to Left) of a value in a string and gives the numerical value after how many characters the value "TechFunda" is placed in a string.
From the above output it is cleared that, the value "TechFunda" is placed after 26 characters from the last occurrence in a string.
EXAMPLE: Searching for the character "l" and return the position from the last occurrence.
<p>Click the below button for searching the character of a string</p> <input type="button" value="Search" onclick="Function()" /> <p id="myId"></p> <script> function Function() { var a = "Visit TechFunda, learn in TechFunda."; var r = a.lastIndexOf("l"); document.getElementById("myId").innerHTML = r; } </script>
Searching for the character and returning the position from last occurrence
Onclick of the button "Search" in the HTML code fires the Function() in the <script>
block, at the same time lastIndexOf("l")
method search for the character "l" inside the string and return the position from the last occurrence.
EXAMPLE: Searching for "Tech" in a string, start the search position at 15.
<p>Click the below button for searching the character of a string</p> <input type="button" value="Search" onclick="Function()" /> <p id="myId"></p> <script> function Function() { var a = "Visit TechFunda, learn in TechFunda."; var r = a.lastIndexOf("Tech", 15); document.getElementById("myId").innerHTML = r; } </script>
Searching for the value with start position
Onclick of the button "Search" in the HTML code fires the Function() in the <script>
block, at the same time indexOf("Tech", 15)
method search for the value "Tech" in a string by starting the search position at 15 and returns the position from the last occurrence.
EXAMPLE: In case if the search is not found in a string.
<p>Click the below button for searching the character of a string</p> <input type="button" value="Search" onclick="Function()" /> <p id="myId"></p> <script> function Function() { var a = "Visit TechFunda, learn in TechFunda."; var r = a.lastIndexOf("z"); document.getElementById("myId").innerHTML = r; } </script>
In the above code snippet we have given value "z" to the lastIndexdexOf()
method, the value "z" is not present in the string. So the output returns "-1".
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