Creating a Script bundle
JavaScript bundles can be created only in ~/App_Start/BundleConfig.cs page. To create a JavaScript bundle we use ScriptBundle class by passing virtual path as parameter in the constructor.
Once the instance has been created, we include the files to be added in this bundle. The files to include can be
var ajaxHelperFile = new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jQueryAjax");
var myJsBundles = new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/bootstrap").Include( "~/Scripts/bootstrap.js", "~/Scripts/respond.js");
In the above code snippet, instead of instantiating and then including the file path, we have done both work in a single statement. We can follow the same approach as followed in the first point above.
var jQueryFiles = new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jquery").Include(
Above bundle will get all file starting with “jquery-“ and any version in between and ends with “.js”.
Like “jquery-1.10.2.js” or “jquery-1.11.2.js” or “jquery-2.10.0.js” etc.
var jQueryValidate = new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jqueryval").Include(
Above bundle will get all files starting with “jquery.validate”.
Like “jquery.validate.min.js” or “jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js” etc.
To add the bundles created, we can add them into the BundleCollection object in the ~/App_Start/BundleConfig.cs page like below
var ajaxHelperFile = new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jQueryAjax");
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/modernizr").Include(
Using Script bundle
To use the script bundler defined above, we can use @Script handler method Render
Where the string passed into the Render
method is the virtual path specified exactly in the ~/App_Start/BundleConfig.cs file.
Calling above @Script.Render
will render all files from the ~/Scripts folder starts with “modernizr-“ word as while creating and adding the bundle into the BundleCollection, “~/bundle/modernizr” was used for “~/Scripts/modernizr-*” files.
The output in the browser source code will be something like below as it could only found one .js file that starts with “modernizr- “ word. If more than one file starts with “modernizr-“, more than one <script> tag will get generated.
<script src="/Scripts/modernizr-2.6.2.js"></script>