To create a url based on Route defined in the App_Start/RouteConfig.cs page, we can use @Url.RouteUrl
Let’s assume that following route has been defined in the RouteConfig.cs file
routes.MapRoute( name: "MyCustomRoute", url: "MyEmployees/{action}/{id}", defaults: new { controller = "PersonalDetail", action = "Create", id = UrlParameter.Optional } );
To generate the url based on above Route, we can use @Url.RouteUrl method.
Above code generates
Because, we have not specified any parameters for controller and action method in the above RouteUrl method so the current page controller and action method is taken as default value.
@Url.RouteUrl("MyCustomRoute", new { action = "index", id = 12, Name = "Sheo" })
Above code generates
Try different overload methods of the Url.RouteUrl method to get more customized and ready made url.
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