Worksheet is a collection of rows and columns whose intersection makes cells in which we keep and manipulate data.
Workbook is a collection of Worksheets. A workbook can contain many worksheets.
To create a new workbook in MS Excel, click on New at the top-left corner and then select New menu and then click on 'Blank workbook' icon as shown below.
This opens up a new workbook and that looks like below.
By default, Excel opens up only one sheet in the workbook, however we are free to add many other using + sign at the bottom-left corner of the workbook as shown below.
Instead of following above steps, you can also right click on the existing sheet name and select 'Insert...'
The following dialog box appears. Select Worksheet icon and then click OK.
Clicking OK will add a new worksheet after the last sheet.
There are two ways to rename a worksheet.
To move a worksheet, right click on the sheet you want to move and select 'Move or Copy...'.
That opens up below dialog box. Now select the sheet (from the list box) before you want to move the selected sheet and click OK.
This moves the selected sheet as shown below.
To Copy a sheet: Follow all above steps of Move and before clicking OK, check 'Create a copy' checkbox.
The other way to move a sheet is to click on the sheet and drag to the desired location (as shown below).
Right click the sheet you want to delete and select Delete.
You would get a confirmation box like below and then click Delete button.
This will delete the worksheet.
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