To get paginated records from SQL Server, we can use OFFSET xxx ROWS FETCH NEXT xxx ROWS ONLY
statements clause.
CREATE PROCEDURE LoadPaginatedRecords @startRowIndex int, @pageSize int, @totalCount int output AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT * FROM ArticlesCatView WHERE Active = 1 AND IsPublished = 1 ORDER BY
UpdatedDateTime DESC OFFSET @startRowIndex ROWS FETCH NEXT @pageSize ROWS ONLY SELECT @totalCount = Count(AutoID) FROM ArticlesCatView WHERE Active = 1 AND IsPublished = 1 END GO
In the above code snippet, we have created a stored procedure named LoadPaginatedRecords that accepts 3 parameters
To call above created stored procedure, we have declared @totalCount parameter and passing other parameters along with this output parameter
DECLARE @totalCount int SET @totalCount = 0 EXEC LoadPaginatedRecords 30, 10, @totalCount out
Above statements gives 10 records 31st record. Similarly, we can change 1st and 2nd parameters to get desired result.
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