Multi-statement Table-valued Function is used in case we want to create a more complex function that may use conditions, loops etc. To create a simple Table-valued Function, click here.
To create Multi-statement Table-valued Function, right click Table-valued Functions from Programmability > Functions
This will open up a template for Multi-statement Table-valued Function, replace different placeholders for name, data type etc.
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[GetAdultRecords] ( @ageType varchar(10) ) RETURNS @myRecords TABLE ( fullName varchar(50) not null, salary money ) AS BEGIN -- Fill the table variable with the rows for your result set IF (@ageType = 'minor') BEGIN INSERT INTO @myRecords SELECT pd.FirstName + ' ' + pd.LastName fullName, ac.Salary FROM PersonalDetails pd JOIN Accounts ac ON pd.PersonalDetailsId = ac.PersonalDetailsId WHERE pd.Age < 18 END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @myRecords SELECT pd.FirstName + ' ' + pd.LastName fullName, ac.Salary FROM PersonalDetails pd JOIN Accounts ac ON pd.PersonalDetailsId = ac.PersonalDetailsId WHERE pd.Age >= 18\ END RETURN ; END
In the above case, we are getting the input parameter of GetAdultRecords function as @ageType. The tabular data (@myRecords) this function returns contains fullName and salary column (virtual table created in this function).
In the following lines of code, based on @ageType value we are getting combination of FirstName and LastName as FullName from PersonalDetails and Salary from Accounts table and inserting into virtual table @myRecords and the same is being returned.
To call this function, use this as a table in the SELECT statement.
SELECT * FROM GetAdultRecords('major') SELECT * FROM GetAdultRecords('minor')
This will give desired result in the result window.
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