Check box in HTML is an <input> element which allows user to select one or more options from a set of alternatives.
The check boxes mostely used in application forms while selecting the Gender, Nationality, Blood group, Caste... etc.
NOTE: If we want to select only one option, we can use radio button.
<form> <h3>Check box</h3> Click here if yes, other wise dont click <input type="checkbox" name="chcbox1"/>   </form>
In the above code snippet we create an check box by using <input>
element, for creating check box we have given value "checkbox" (Check box value) to the type attribute.
Checkbox group is nothing but allowing the user to select one or more options.
<form> <h3>Group Checkboxes</h3> <input type="checkbox" name="chcbox1" /> Bike <input type="checkbox" name="chcbox1" /> Car <input type="checkbox" name="chcbox1" /> Heavy vehicle </form>
We created a group of checkboxes for allowing the user to select more options.
Checked is an attribute which is used for the automatic selection of the checkbox.
<form> <h3>Checked Checkboxes</h3> <input type="checkbox" name="chcbox1" /> Bike <input type="checkbox" name="chcbox1" checked/> Car <input type="checkbox" name="chcbox1" checked/> Heavy vehicle </form>
We used checked attribute for 2nd and 3rd checkbox, so that in the output we can find that 2nd and 3rd checkbox is automatically selected.
<form> <h3>Checked Checkboxes automatically using JavaScript in HTML.</h3> <input type="checkbox" id="Check" /> <input type="button" value="Check" onclick="myCheck()" /> <input type="button" value="Uncheck" onclick="myUncheck()" /> </form> <script> function myCheck() { document.getElementById("Check").checked = true; } function myUncheck() { document.getElementById("Check").checked = false; } </script>
Checking check boxes using JavaScript
We are checking and unchecking the check box by using script code in the HTML page.
Onclick of the "Check" button fires the function myCheck() in the script code at the same time document.getElementById
checked the check box.
Onclick of the "Uncheck" button fires the function myUncheck() in the script code at the same time document.getElementById
uncheck the checked check box.