Bootstrap > Affix

Vertical affix menu bar in Bootstrap

How to create vertical affixed navigation menu in Bootstrap

Vertical Affix

The affix  allows a <div> to become affixed to a location on the page. You can also toggle it's pinning on and off using this plugin. A common example of this are social icons. They will start in a location, but as the page hits a certain mark, the <div> will be locked in place and will stop scrolling with the rest of the page.

        .affix {
            top: 20px;
    <div class="container-fluid" style="background-color:green;color:white;height:200px;">
        <h1>Bootstrap Affix</h1>
        <h3>Fixed vertical sidenav on scroll</h3>
    <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
            <nav class="col-sm-3">
                <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked" data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="205">
                    <li class="active"><a href="#dnf">DotNetFunda</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#tec">TechFunda</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#itf">ITfunda</a></li>
            <div class="col-sm-9">
                <h3>DotNetFunda.Com is a popular online tutorials and guide for latest Microsoft® technologies aimed for beginners and intermediate level professionals. We help beginners to become intermediate level professionals and help intermediate level professionals to become an expert. By following our different sections regularly, we hope you will soon become one of the 'Most Valuable' professional and start shining in your career.DotNetFunda.Com is a popular online tutorials and guide for latest Microsoft® technologies aimed for beginners and intermediate level professionals. We help beginners to become intermediate level professionals and help intermediate level professionals to become an expert. By following our different sections regularly, we hope you will soon become one of the 'Most Valuable' professional and start shining in your career.DotNetFunda.Com is a popular online tutorials and guide for latest Microsoft® technologies aimed for beginners and intermediate level professionals. We help beginners to become intermediate level professionals and help intermediate level professionals to become an expert. By following our different sections regularly, we hope you will soon become one of the 'Most Valuable' professional and start shining in your career.DotNetFunda.Com is a popular online tutorials and guide for latest Microsoft® technologies aimed for beginners and intermediate level professionals. We help beginners to become intermediate level professionals and help intermediate level professionals to become an expert. By following our different sections regularly, we hope you will soon become one of the 'Most Valuable' professional and start shining in your career.DotNetFunda.Com is a popular online tutorials and guide for latest Microsoft® technologies aimed for beginners and intermediate level professionals. We help beginners to become intermediate level professionals and help intermediate level professionals to become an expert. By following our different sections regularly, we hope you will soon become one of the 'Most Valuable' professional and start shining in your career.DotNetFunda.Com is a popular online tutorials and guide for latest Microsoft® technologies aimed for beginners and intermediate level professionals. We help beginners to become intermediate level professionals and help intermediate level professionals to become an expert. By following our different sections regularly, we hope you will soon become one of the 'Most Valuable' professional and start shining in your career.DotNetFunda.Com is a popular online tutorials and guide for latest Microsoft® technologies aimed for beginners and intermediate level professionals. We help beginners to become intermediate level professionals and help intermediate level professionals to become an expert. By following our different sections regularly, we hope you will soon become one of the 'Most Valuable' professional and start shining in your career.DotNetFunda.Com is a popular online tutorials and guide for latest Microsoft® technologies aimed for beginners and intermediate level professionals. We help beginners to become intermediate level professionals and help intermediate level professionals to become an expert. By following our different sections regularly, we hope you will soon become one of the 'Most Valuable' professional and start shining in your career.DotNetFunda.Com is a popular online tutorials and guide for latest Microsoft® technologies aimed for beginners and intermediate level professionals. We help beginners to become intermediate level professionals and help intermediate level professionals to become an expert. By following our different sections regularly, we hope you will soon become one of the 'Most Valuable' professional and start shining in your career.DotNetFunda.Com is a popular online tutorials and guide for latest Microsoft® technologies aimed for beginners and intermediate level professionals. We help beginners to become intermediate level professionals and help intermediate level professionals to become an expert. By following our different sections regularly, we hope you will soon become one of the 'Most Valuable' professional and start shining in your career.</h3>
  • In the above code snippet we have defined the vertical affixed navigation menu, we have div section with class value container-fluid and stylesheet 
  • After creating div section we have created another div section with class value container and we have another div with class value row , we have nav element in the div section with class value col-sm-2 and the <ul> element  to define the list values as DotNetFunda, TechFunda and ITFunda  with class value nav nav-pills nav-stacked defines the vertical affix and data-spy ="affix" defines the affix     
  • In the next line we have div section with class value="col-lg-10" to define the description value
  • In the next line of the html element we have style in the head section to define the affix 


after minimizining screen output appears as 

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