JavaScript > Date

Get month name in JavaScript

How to return the name of the month in JavaScript?

By using getMonth() method we can return the name of the month in JavaScript.

<p>Click the below button to get present month.</p>
    <input type="button" value="Click" onclick="myDate()" />
    <p id="myId"></p>

        function myDate() {
            var a = new Date();
            var month = new Array();
            month[0] = "January";
            month[1] = "February";
            month[2] = "March";
            month[3] = "April";
            month[4] = "May";
            month[5] = "June";
            month[6] = "July";
            month[7] = "August";
            month[8] = "September";
            month[9] = "October";
            month[10] = "November";
            month[11] = "December";
            var r = month[a.getMonth()];
            document.getElementById("myId").innerHTML = r;

In the above code snippet we have given Id as "myId"to the second <p> element in the HTML code. There is a function myDate() in the<script>block which is connected to the Onclick of the HTML button. We have given new Date() to the variable A, which returns the day, date, year, month & time. There are 12 months in a year, we are representing all the months as an new Array() with the variable "month". For all the months we will give numbering from 0 to 11 (January=0, February=1, March=3,............................,December=11). Onclick of the button fires the function myDate() in the <script> block at the same time getMonth() returns the name of the month as output.


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