JavaScript > Date

GetTime() Method in JavaScript

How to return the number of years since from the particular mentioned year in JavaScript?

By using getTime() method we can return the number of years since from the particular mentioned year.

Example: Calculating the number of years in between from 2002/October/13 to 2015/October/13. 

<p>Click the below button to return the number of years between the mentioned date.</p>
<input type="button" value="Click" onclick="myDate()" />
<p id="myId"></p>

    function myDate() {
        var min = 3600 * 60;
        var hrs = min * 60;
        var days = hrs * 24;
        var years = days * 365;
        var a = new Date();
        var r = a.getTime();
        var z = Math.round(r / years);
        document.getElementById("myId").innerHTML = z;

In the above code snippet we have given Id as "myId"to the second <p> element in the HTML code. There is a function myDate() in the<script>block which is connected to the Onclick of the HTML button. The document.getElementById("myId")returns the element that has Id"id=myID" in the HTML page. We have added variables like min, hrs, days, years which are very useful to calculate the time period. In the <script> block var hrs indicates that there are 60 minutes per an hour, var dyas indicates 24 hours per a day, var year indicates 365 days per an year.

There is var a which returns the local time, date, day, timezon, var r returns the number of milliseconds since form the date 2002/oct/13 to present date, var z caluclate and return the number of years are there in between the date 2002/oct/13. Onclick of the button "Click" fires the function mydate() in the <script> block at the same time getTime() returns the number of milliseconds from that var z = Math.round(r / years) returns the number of years as output.


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