By using attribute
selector we can select the elements with the specified attribute.
<style> a:link { background-color: red; } a[target] { background-color: lightgreen; } </style> <body> <p>Hyperlink without attribute :<a href="http://www.techfunda.com" title="www.TechFunda.com">TechFunda</a></p> <p>Hyperlink with attribute:<a href="http://www.dotnetfunda.com" target="_blank">DotNetFunda</a></p> </body>
In the above code snippet we have given style "background-color:lightgreen" to the target
attribute of DotNetFunda hyperlink. Clicking on the hyperlink "TechFunda" with background color red sends user to http://www.techfunda.com website in the same tab, clicking on the hyperlink "DotNetFunda" with background color green sends user to http://www.dotnetfunda.com website in the new tab. That is due to the presence of target="_blank"