By using opacity
property we can specify the transparency of an element. It is applies to all the elements and images on the web page. The opacity-level indicates the transparency-level, where "opacity:0;" gives the complete transparency, "opacity:0.5;" gives the 50% transparency, "opacity:1;" gives 0% transparency, that means it shows the content normally on the webpage.
<style> p { color: blue; opacity: 0.5; } div { background-color: red; opacity: 0.3; } b { color: brown; opacity: 1; } </style> <body> <p>This is 'P' element.</p> <div> This is 'DIV' element. </div> <b>This is Bold.</b> </body>
In the above code snippet we have given opacity
property to all the elements with different values. So that in the output we can observe the 50% transparency of the <p>
element text color, 70% transparency of the <div>
element back-ground color, 0% transparency of the <b>