In case we want to change the images in JavaScript, we can follow this approach.
<h1>Changing the Image</h1> <img src="waterbottel.gif" id="myImage" width="100" height="150"> <input type="button" onclick="changeImage()" value="Change" /> <p>Click on the "Change" button to convert waterbottle<br /> into Softdrink bottle</p> <script> function changeImage() { var image = document.getElementById('myImage'); if (image.src.match("colorbottel")) { image.src = "waterbottel.gif"; } else { image.src = "colorbottel.gif"; } } </script>
In the above code snippet, getElementById finds a image with id “myImage” and changes the image by each click on "Change" button. In the <script>
code image.src.match()
attribute is used in this .match()
tests if image.src
contains the string "colorbottel". If there is match, .match()
changes image.src to
Onclick of "Change" button in the above output wil change the water bottlel into Softdrink bottle, that can be shown in the below image.