JavaScript > Strings

Inserting Special characters in JavaScript

How to insert the same type of quotes inside and outside the string in JavaScript?

By using special characters  {\', \", \\} we can insert the same type of quotes inside and outside the strings.

    <div id="myId"></div>

        var a = 'TechFunda is \'obviously\' good.';
        var b = "This flight is \"absolutely\" full.";
        var c = "TechFunda \\vs\\ DotNetFunda.";
        document.getElementById("myId").innerHTML = a + "<br />" + b + "<br />" + c;

In the above code snippet we have given the single quote with the special character \' to the variable a inside the string, double quote with the special character \" to the variable b inside the string, and backslash with the special character \\ to the variable c. Every special character in strings can be inserted by escape character( \ ).


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