CSharp > Step by Step - Part1

Introduction in CSharp


If your goal is to learn C# then you have reached the right spot. In this step by step article series we will run through step by step labs and theories which will make your C# foundation strong. This article does not expect you to have any knowledge of any programming language.

This complete step by step course is organized in to Parts and every part has lab steps and theories. So this is Part 1 and in this we will going through 8 step by step labs which covers the following things: -

  • Basic tools and installation needed to start C#.
  • Understanding vocabularies like IDE and Frameworks.
  • Understanding IL code and JIT compilation process.
  • Project and solution structure.
  • Variables, IF conditions and FOR LOOPs.

Before we start this beautiful journey of C# step by step , let’s just read one small paragraph about C# history.

C# is a 20 years old language created by Microsoft under the guidance of Mr. Anders Hejlsberg. The first official release of C# was in the year 2000. When this article was written C# had 6 releases ( C# 1.0 , 2.0 , 3.0 , 4.0 , 5.0 and 6.0) , C# 6 is the current release.

We would encourage you to see our Learn C# step by step video series which explains the same concepts more indepth.

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