ignoreCase is an property in JavaScript Regular expressions, which is used to find whether "i" modifier is set or not for the case-insensitive search.
It is an boolean type property, If "i" modifier is set for the search, the ignoreCase property returns "true", other wise it returns "false".
<p>Click the below button to find whether "i" modifier is set or not.</p> <input type="button" value="Search" onclick="testFunction()"/> <p id="myId"></p> <script> function testFunction() { var a = "TechFunda Provides lot technology " var b = /lot/i; var r = b.ignoreCase; document.getElementById("myId").innerHTML = r; } </script>
In the above code snippet we used "i" modifier for the case-insensitive search. We are checking whether "i" modifier is set or not by using ignoreCase property.
Onclick button finds whether "i" modifier is set or not and return the output.
<p>Click the below button to find whether "i" modifier is set or not.</p> <input type="button" value="Search" onclick="testFunction()"/> <p id="myId"></p> <script> function testFunction() { var a = "TechFunda Provides lot technology " var b = /lot/g; var r = b.ignoreCase; document.getElementById("myId").innerHTML = r; } </script>
ignoreCase property without "i" modifier
In the above code snippet we used "g" modifier for the global search.
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