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Animations Animation is process of making shape changes and creating motions with elements. Animation contains different properties to animate functions animation-name animation-duration animation-timing-function animation-delay an ...
Selectors In CSS, selectors are patterns used to select the element(s) you want to style. we can use css selector to demonstrate the different selectors,the "CSS" column indicates in which CSS version the property is defined (CSS1, CSS2, or CSS ...
Background Background is a property used to change the background of the page by using background color, background image, background position etc ,different properties to make look the page beautiful
Borders The CSS border property allow you to specify the style, width, and color of an element's border, this element has a groove border that is 15px wide and green, border uses different properties by using border as 1px solid green, da ...
Texts Texts are used to create text in the body and apply different styles of text using text properties, it uses different properties as text color, text, align, text justify , text transform
From this section we shall learn about the Responsive Web Design in JavaScript. Responsive web design is not a program or coding, it is maintainence/responsibility while creating a web page. The Responsive web design makes the web page perfect look ...
Margins Margins are used to provide the space around the given element, It sets the size form the margins There are different types of the margins they are Margin-Top Margin-Bottom Margin-Left Margin-Right
Padding Padding is used to create the space inside an given element, the different padding properties are Padding-top Padding-bottom padding-left padding-right
Links Links are created by using <a> tag (anchor tag) which is used to open a page, there are different types of links in css They are Link visited link Hover link active link
Lists Lists are used in conveying a set of either numbered or bullet points. Lists are used to create the numbered lists and bullet lists There are two types of lists They are Ordered lists unordered list
Tables Tables use different properties of an HTML table using css, by using css we can create different styles to tables Such as Bordered table Table height Table width Table stripped Table background color
Outline Outline is a css property which is used to create the style to the outline, which is similar to the border property, makes look like style as border The different outline properties are outline style outline wid ...
Scrollbar Overflow is a css property which is used to scroll the text, if the content is more than the alloted space then the scroll function is used to scroll the text The syntax of the scroll function is overflow:scroll; overflow:hidden ...
Positioning Positioning is a css property which is used to set the position of the element by using position property with values left, right, up and down There are different properties position:relative; position:absolute; position:fixe ...
Navigation bar A set of buttons or images in a row or column that serves as a control point to link the user to sections on a Web site. The navigation bar may also be a single graphic image with multiple selections
Layers CSS gives you opportunity to create layers of various divisions. The CSS layers refer to applying the z-index property to elements that overlap with each other. The z-index property is used along with the position prope ...
Tooltip A tooltip is a message which appears when a cursor is positioned over an icon, image, hyperlink, or other element in a graphical user interface.
Columns Columns are used to create different columns by using different coumns properties, we are having different columns properties to create the columns
Gradients Gradients are used to create design by creating multicolors in the webpage, there are two types of gradients they are Linear gradients Radial gradients Linear gradient It creates the linear transition of the color from one color to ...
Shadow Shadow is a css property which creates shadow to the given text or the box by using two properties, They are Text shadow Box shadow
Buttons Button is a event which is used as clickable event to open a window or the page, we can create different types of buttons using css properties
Pagination When a website contains many pages we use pagination to create pages in a single page, it is the process of dividing a document into discrete pages, either electronic pages or printed pages.
Display The display property affects the most basic presentation of an element, effectively classing the element as a certain type of element. The rendering of the element may depend heavily on its display type, and certain properties will only ...
Z-index The z-index property specifies the stack order of an element. An element with greater stack order is always in front of an element with a lower stack order, It works with property position
Progress bar A progress bar is a graphical control element used to visualize the progression of an extended computer operation, such as a download, file transfer, or installation. Sometimes, the graphic is accompanied by a textual representation of ...
Dropdown The list of items that appear when clicking on a button or text selection. For example, many programs have a "File" drop down menu at the top left of their screen. Clicking on the "File" text generates a new menu with additional options.