clearInterval in JavaScript is an native function, which is used to clear a timer set with the setInterval() method. The parameter of clearInterval() method is the ID value returned by the setInterval() method.
NOTE: We must use setInterval() method before using clearInterval() method in the script code.
Stop the current run time with the clearInterval() method.
<p>Click the below button to stop the current run time.</p> <p id="myId"></p> <input type="button" value="Stop" onclick="myStoptime()"/> <script> var myTime = setInterval(function () { myRuntime() }, 1000); function myRuntime() { var a = new Date(); var b = a.toLocaleTimeString(); document.getElementById("myId").innerHTML = b; } function myStoptime() { clearInterval(myTime); } </script>
In the above code, we set the current run timer with the setInterval() function {myRuntime()} and we are stopping the run time with the clearInterval() function. Onclick of the button "Stop" stops the current run time.
<p>Click the button to stop changing the background color color.</p> <input type="button" value="Stop" onclick="fixColor()"/> <script> var a = setInterval(function () { myColor() }, 500); function myColor() { var b = document.body; b.style.backgroundColor = b.style.backgroundColor == "lightgreen" ? "lightblue" : "lightgreen"; } function fixColor() { clearInterval(a); } </script>
We are changing the background-color for every half second with the setInterval() method, and we stop the changing background-color with the clearInterval() method. Click here to see the output of the above code snippet.
<style> #myId{ border:8px solid #0e0208; height:5px; width:90%; position:relative; background-color:yellow; } #myDemo { background-color:blue; height:100%; position:absolute; width:15px; } </style> <div id="myId"> <div id="myDemo"></div> </div> <br /> <br /> <br /> <input type="button" value="Start" onclick="myFunction()"/> <script> function myFunction() { var a = document.getElementById("myDemo"); var width = 0; var c = setInterval(Slide, 500); function Slide() { if (width == 150) { clearInterval(c); } else { width++; a.style.width = width + '%'; } } } </script>
We create a dynamic progress bar with the help of setInterval() function and clearInterval() function.