In HTML, JavaScript statements are commands to the browsers. Each JavaScript statement should be terminated using “;” (semi colon) character. JavaScript code can also be grouped using opening braces “{“ and closing curly braces “}”. Let's see some examples related to JavaScript statements.
Writing "TechFunda" inside an HTML element with ID
<p id="myId"></p> <script> document.getElementById("myId").innerHTML = "TechFunda"; </script>
In the above code snippet we have given document.getElementById
in the script code, which returns the element with the Id "myId" in the HTML page.
Program with Semi colon's, open & closed braces
Every statement should be ends with semi colon ';' and every JavaScript function can start and ends with open '{' and close '}' curly braces.
<script> var firstName = "Shanti Shen"; function GetMyName() { return firstName; } // call the function declare above var name = GetMyName(); alert(name); </script>Views: 9497 | Post Order: 1