HTML5 > Structures

Wordbreak in HTML5

How to break the combined words in webpage in HTML5?

WBR stands for Word break opportunity, by using <wbr> tag we can break the combined sentence/name/string/words in web page. It can be used for very long words or other long strings of text with no spaces. This tag is supported by most of the browsers.

    Word break opportunity

    Here is the demonstration of my name. This is SHEO<wbr>NARAYAN<wbr />DUTTA and this my name should not appear as a single word so try to shrink the browser window size.

        Word break opportunity

        Here is the demonstration of my name. This is SHEONARAYANDUTTA and this my name should not appear as a single word so try to shrink the browser window size.

In the above code snippet, 'NARAYAN' is the name placed inside the <wbr> tag.


Notice that in the above output a name is shrinked by using the <wbr> tag.

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