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DOM Document in JavaScript
What is DOM Document and what is the use od DOM Document in javascript?
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HTML DOM Document
HTML DOM Document is defined as an object in the webpage.
HTML DOM Document is used to represent webpage.
HTML DOM Document is used to access any HTML element.
Some of HTML DOM Document which are used to access HTML.
Finding HTML Elements
document.getElementById(id) - Finds an element using element id
document.getElementByTagName(name) - Finds element by tag name
document.getElementByClassName(name) - Finds element by class name.
Changing HTML ELements
element.innerHTML= new html content - changes the innerHTML of element
element.attribute= new value - changes the attribute value of HTMLelement
element.setAttribute(attribute, value)-changes the attribute value of HTMLelement style-changes the style of an HTML element
Adding and Deleting elements
document.createElement(element)- creates an HTML element
document.removeChild(element)-removes an HTML element
document.replaceChild(element)-replaces an HTML element
document.appendchild(element)- adds an HTML element.
document.write(text)- Write in to HTML output stream.
Adding Event handlers
document.getElementById(id).onclick=function(){code} - Adds event handler code to onclick event.
Finding HTML Objects
document.anchors- returns all <a> elements which have name attribute
document.URL - returns url of the document.
document.body - returns body of the element
document.baseURI - returns absolute base URI of the document.
document.cookie - returns the document cookies
document.doctype - returns document doctype.
document.documentElement- returns HTML element.
document.documentMode - returns the mode used by the user.
document.documentURI - returns the document of the URI.
document.domain - returns the domain name of the server.
document.embeds - It returns all <embed> elements.
document.forms - returns all <form> elements.
document.head - returns all <head> element.
document.images - returns all <img> elements.
document.implementation - returns all DOM implementations.
document.inputEncoding - returns all documents encoding.
document.lastModified - returns date and time of the document.
document.links - defines all <href> attributes.
document.readyState -
returns current status of the document.
document.URI refferer - returns URI of the refferer.
document.scripts - returns all <script> elements.
document.title - returns all<title> element
document.StrictErrorChecking - returns if error checking is enforced.
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