HTML5 > Elements of HTML

Paragraph in HTML5

How to create a paragraph in HTML5


HTML paragraph is defined with <p> tag. The using of p tag creates blank line above and below the text of a paragraph.

 <p>Dotnetfunda is a online tutorial which is used to share and learn the technologies with ea     ch other</p>
 <p>Techfunda is an online tutorial which is to learn in step by step manner</p>

In the above code snippet we defined two paragraphs by using <p> tags which creates the paragraph by creating balnk line abobe and below the text of a paragraph 


Paragraph align right

Paragraph aligning right is used to align the text right aside

    <p style="text-align:right;">
        dotnetfunda is a online tutorila which is used to share and learn the technologies.
        TechFunda is used to learn technologies step by step manner

Paragraph aligning right

In the above code snipet we have defined text aligning right side 

<align=right>- renders the text to align the text right side


Paragraph aligning center

Paragraph aligning center is used to align the text center

    <p style="text-align:center;">
        dotnetfunda is a online tutorila which is used to share and learn the technologies.
        TechFunda is used to learn technologies step by step manner

Paragraph aligning center

In the above code snipet we have defined text aligning center

<align=center>- renders the text to align the text center


Paragraph with images:

We can also insert the images in the paragraphs.

    <p><img src="images/KidsFundaLoga.png" height="40" width="70" />dotnetfunda is a online tutorila which is used to share and learn the technologies.
     TechFunda is used to learn technologies step by step manner</p>

 paragraph with images

In the above code snippet we have defined how to keep the image in the paragraph. We have to add the image src in the <p> to display the image in the screen.


Paragraph with color

We can also add the colors to the paragraph by using style

<h2>Paragraph with color</h2>
    <p style="color:blue;">dotnetfunda is a online tutorials which is used to share and learn the technologies.
     TechFunda is used to learn technologies step by step manner</p>

 paragraph with color

In the above code snippet we have added color to the paragraph we have takan style as color which we have given color as blue.



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