HTML5 > Structures

Footer in HTML5

How to create a valid footer in HTML 5?

Footer element represents a footer of its nearest ancestor element and can typically contains author information, copyright information, links etc.

    <h1>ASP.NET Articles</h1>
        <h1>GridView articles</h1>
        <p>Description of all GridView articles</p>
        <!-- article footer -->
        <footer>posted by: Sheo Narayan</footer>
        <h1>Authentication & Authorization articles</h1>
        <p>Description of all Authentication & Authorization articles</p>
        <!-- article footer -->
        <footer>posted by: Sheo Narayan</footer>
    <!-- website footer -->
        <a href="/contactus.aspx">Contact us</a> | <a href="/aboutus.aspx">About
us</a> |

Footer can be specified for

  • An article - every <article> of the page can have its own footer
  • A section - every section of the page can have its own footer
  • A page - each page can have its own footer


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