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Animating Sequence Of Images
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<!DOCTYPE html /> <html> <head> <title>Drawing images with sequence</title> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <script type="text/javascript"> var canvas; var context; var photo; var timer; var count = 0; function StartAnimation() { img = new Image(); canvas = document.getElementById("Canvas1"); context = canvas.getContext("2d"); AnimateNow(); img.src = 'images/image1.JPG'; } function AnimateNow() { count++; img.src = 'images/image' + count + '.JPG'; context.drawImage(img, 50, 60, 120, 151); timer = setTimeout(AnimateNow, 100); if (count == 8) { StopAnimation(); } } function StopAnimation() { count = 0; clearTimeout(timer); } function ResetCanvas() { count = 0; context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); } </script> </head> <body> <canvas id="Canvas1" width="600" height="400" style="border:5px solid green;"> <p>Canvas is not supported in your browser</p> </canvas> <br /> <input type="button" onclick="StartAnimation()" value="Start Animation" /> <input type="button" onclick="StopAnimation()" value="Stop Animation" /> <input type="button" onclick="ResetCanvas()" value="Reset" /> </body> </html>
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