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<!DOCTYPE html /> <html> <head> <title>HTML 5 Video play with custom control</title> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2>HTML 5 Video play with custom control</h2> <video src="/DemoSupportingFiles/Multimedia/VideoIntro.mp4" height="300" width="400" id="video1"> video is not supported. </video> <div> <input type="button" id="btnPlay" value="Play" onclick="PlayNow()" /> <input type="button" id="btnPause" value="Pause" onclick="PauseNow()" /> <input type="button" id="btnMute" value="Mute" onclick="MuteNow()" /> <br /> Volume : <input type="range" min="0" max="1" step="0.1" id="volume" onchange="ChangeVolume()"> <br /> Time lapsed: <input type="range" step="any" id="seekbar" onchange="ChangeTheTime()"> <label id="lblTime">-:--:--</label> </div> <script> // get the video, volume and seekbar elements var video = document.getElementById("video1"); var volumeRange = document.getElementById('volume'); var seekbar = document.getElementById('seekbar'); window.onload = function () { video.addEventListener('timeupdate', UpdateTheTime, false); video.addEventListener('durationchange', SetSeekBar, false); volumeRange.value = video.volume; } // fires when volume element is changed function ChangeVolume() { var myVol = volumeRange.value; video.volume = myVol; if (myVol == 0) { video.muted = true; } else { video.muted = false; } } // fires when page loads, it sets the min and max range of the video function SetSeekBar() { seekbar.min = 0; seekbar.max = video.duration; } // fires when seekbar is changed function ChangeTheTime() { video.currentTime = seekbar.value; } function UpdateTheTime() { var sec = video.currentTime; var h = Math.floor(sec / 3600); sec = sec % 3600; var min = Math.floor(sec / 60); sec = Math.floor(sec % 60); if (sec.toString().length < 2) sec = "0" + sec; if (min.toString().length < 2) min = "0" + min; document.getElementById('lblTime').innerHTML = h + ":" + min + ":" + sec; seekbar.min = video.startTime; seekbar.max = video.duration; seekbar.value = video.currentTime; } // fires when Play button is clicked function PlayNow() { if (video.paused) {; } else if (video.ended) { video.currentTime = 0;; } } // fires when Pause button is clicked function PauseNow() { if ( { video.pause(); } } // fires when Mute button is clicked function MuteNow() { if (video.muted) { video.muted = false; olumeRange.value = video.volume; } else { video.muted = true; volumeRange.value = 0; } } </script> <br /> <b>This Video is not supported</b> </body> </html>
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