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Filling The Squares On The Window By Using Requestanimationframe In Javascript
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Demo</title> </head> <body> <h1>Filling the Squares on window (requestAnimationFrame)</h1> <style> #myId { background: lightgreen; } </style> <canvas id="myId"></canvas> <script> var fill = { canvas: document.getElementById("myId"), ctx: document.getElementById("myId").getContext('2d'), //* Suqares size *// xd: 0, yd: 0, //* Squares drwaing position *// pX: 0, pY: 0, repeat: 0, //* requestAnimationFrame *// divisions: 30, // breaks frame into X × X squares init: function () { // Set up "Two Dimensional" Array to remember what is on and off this.memory = new Array(this.divisions - 1); for (var i = 0; i < (this.divisions + 1) ; i++) { this.memory[i] = new Array(this.divisions - 1); } // Size the canvas appropriately var width = window.innerWidth; var height = window.innerHeight; fill.canvas.width = width; fill.canvas.height = height; // Size of squares is canvas width broken into equal chunks fill.xd = width / fill.divisions; fill.yd = height / fill.divisions; //* Orange color// this.ctx.fillStyle = "#ff8040"; // Random starting position this.pX = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.divisions); this.pY = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.divisions); // global drawLoop = function () { fill.repeat = requestAnimationFrame(drawLoop); fill.oneMovement(); } drawLoop(); }, drawSquare: function (x, y) { fill.ctx.fillRect(x * this.xd, y * this.yd, this.xd, this.yd); fill.memory[x][y] = true; }, checkPossiblePositions: function () { var posToReturn = []; if (this.pX == 0) { } else if (this.memory[this.pX - 1][this.pY] == true) { //* left not allowed *// } else { posToReturn.push("left"); //* left covered *// } if (this.pX == this.divisions) { //* right side not allowed *// } else if (this.memory[this.pX + 1][this.pY] == true) { } else { posToReturn.push("right"); //* right side occupied *// } if (this.pY == 0) { } else if (this.memory[this.pX][this.pY - 1] == true) { //* Top side not allowed *// } else { posToReturn.push("up"); //* top covered *// } if (this.posY == this.divisions) { } else if (this.memory[this.pX][this.pY + 1] == true) { //* Down side not allowed *// } else { posToReturn.push("down"); //* down covered *// } return posToReturn; }, startNewRound: function () { cancelAnimationFrame(this.repeat); var newSpot = this.findEmpty(); //* new space for aimation *// if (newSpot == "nope") { this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); //* clear animation *// this.init(); //* start from first *// } else { this.pX = newSpot[0]; //* Start from new position *// this.pY = newSpot[1]; drawLoop(); //* Restart Animation*// } }, oneMovement: function () { this.drawSquare(this.pX, this.pY); var possiblePos = this.checkPossiblePositions(); var numPossible = possiblePos.length; if (numPossible == 0) { this.startNewRound(); } else { var randomDir = Math.floor(Math.random() * numPossible); if (possiblePos[randomDir] == "left") { this.pX--; } if (possiblePos[randomDir] == "right") { this.pX++; } if (possiblePos[randomDir] == "up") { this.pY--; } if (possiblePos[randomDir] == "down") { this.pY++; } } }, findEmpty: function () { for (var x = 0; x < (this.divisions + 1) ; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < (this.divisions + 1) ; y++) { if (!this.memory[x][y]) { return [x, y]; } } } return "nope"; } } setTimeout(function () { fill.init(); }, 10); </script> </body> </html>
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